On 7 July 2016 five African workers were working at a recycling plant in Birmingham, at the site of Shredmet Limited. They were killed immediately when a wall comprised of concrete blocks fell on them. A sixth worker suffered injuries including a broken leg. The circumstances involved the largest loss of life in a single incident at a recycling plant in the United Kingdom. The then Prime Minister, David Cameron, publicly stated that he was shocked to hear about the incident and that “my thoughts are with the families of those involved”.
Daniel Lemberger Cooper of Imran Khan and Partners acts for the five families and sixth injured worker in coronial, civil and criminal proceedings.
The BBC has carried out an extensive investigation of the case, and its report may be found here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/extra/3O3eptdEYR/after-the-wall-fell and which will be followed by further media coverage.