Are you facing criminal charges? Are you under investigation by the Police? This can be a very daunting and stressful time in your life. Having to worry about the Police Station and/or Court process can add much pressure to you and your family.
This is why it is important that you choose a specialised criminal defence team. Our dedicated team of Specialist Criminal Defence Solicitors and Higher Rights Advocates have long-standing criminal defence experience and will provide you with all the support and advice you require during these difficult times.
Our leading serious crime practice has worked on many high-profile and complex cases in the UK and abroad. Our firm was established in 2000 and has built a remarkable reputation for excellence over the years. We are based in London but we are available to represent clients all over England, Wales and abroad.
Free Initial Telephone Discussion
For a free initial telephone discussion, please call us on 020 7404 3004 or email You can also complete our online enquiry form
We are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This includes weekends and bank holidays. We can help clients based anywhere in England or Wales.
If you require urgent assistance, please contact us on our emergency number on 07738 802993.
Criminal Defence Solicitors
At Imran Khan & Partners, our experienced criminal defence team deals with every kind of offence. We will ensure that the solicitor who deals with your case has specific expertise in the offence you are charged with to secure the best outcome for you.
Offences we cover include: (not limited to)
Violent Crime, including murder and manslaughter
Money Laundering, Confiscation and Asset Recovery
Robbery, theft and other such offences
Public Order Act Offences
Sexual offences
Our fixed fees for drink driving offences are set out in our Transparency Rules page.
Why choose us?
If you are facing any criminal proceedings, you should seek immediate legal representation. Your case will be handled by one of our partners or senior solicitors within our specialist Criminal Defence team.
We will provide you with advice and representation throughout the different stages of your case.
At the Police Station:
You are entitled to free legal advice at the Police Station. It is pivotal that you seek representation immediately if you are arrested or invited by the Police to attend a voluntary interview. Our solicitors are accredited Police Station representatives which means we can help from the outset. We will provide you with advice and assistance throughout your time in custody.
Following your Police interview, you may be:
Released with no further action (NFA)
Released under investigation (RUI)
Charged and bailed to Court at a later date
Charged and detained
At the Magistrates’ Court and Crown Court:
If you are charged and your matter proceeds before the Courts, our dedicated team will work its hardest to secure the best outcome for you. We work closely with highly experienced Criminal Defence Barristers who we will instruct to represent you at Court.
We will thoroughly review the Prosecution’s evidence against you. In certain cases, our lawyers may be in a position to put pressure on the CPS to drop the charges against you or to lessen the charges from the outset.
Should your case proceeds to trial, we will ensure that your legal rights are upheld and that you are given a fair trial. We will work on building a strong defence for you.
Where necessary, we will instruct Forensics Experts to assist with the preparation of your defence and we will secure all necessary witness statements.
Our highly trained team has recognised experience in winning ‘not guilty’ verdicts or, if not possible, securing a lesser sentence.
How do I pay for my legal fees?
At the Police Station:
You are entitled to free legal representation when arrested or interviewed under caution.
At the Magistrates’ Court:
If you are prosecuted in a Magistrates’ Court, you may apply for legal aid to cover some or all of your defence costs. This will depend on your circumstance and to qualify, you will need to pass:
The Means Test: This is to prove that you require help with funding your legal representation
The Interest of Justice Test: This is to prove it is in the interest of justice that you have legal representation
At the Crown Court:
If you are prosecuted in the Crown Court, you do not need to pass the Interest of Justice Test as this will automatically qualify.
However, you will need to pass the Means Test in order to be granted a Representation Order. Depending on your financial circumstances, you may be required to pay a contribution. This will normally cover most of your legal aid costs. If you are acquitted of the charges, any contributions you paid will be refunded to you.
Private Representation
Should you wish or require to fund your representation privately, please contact us to discuss our private fees. We will provide you with a clear and detailed quote.
How to get in contact
Contact us now on 020 7404 3004. Our specialist criminal defence solicitors can offer you a free initial consultation. Alternatively, email us at or complete our free online enquiry form at
We are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
If you have been arrested or are due to attend Court imminently and require urgent assistance, please contact us on our emergency number on 07738 802993.