The Child Safeguarding Practice Review released today shows that Brighton & Hove City Council Child Social Care (‘BHCC CSC’) could have taken greater care to assess the needs of our client’s granddaughter, baby ‘Delta’.
While the Safeguarding Review is a step toward understanding this tragedy, many of the grandparents questions remain unanswered. Important amongst these questions is whether the professionals involved should have known of the 6 times that child Delta was left alone in the two months before her death (for between 1 hour and up to 2 days and 5 hours), and whether they could or should have done more to protect her.
Delta’s grandparents hope that the Inquest into her death, which will take place next year, will get all the answers which are needed to help learn the lessons required to support dependents of vulnerable children.
The grandparents are represented by our Daniel Cooper, Solicitor, and Emma Gilbert, Trainee Solicitor. For further information please contact