Balvinder Gill
Email: bgill@ikpsolicitors.com
Secure email: balvinder.gill@ikpsolicitors.cjsm.net
Balvinder (Bali) graduated in 1981 English and Sociology and completed a Masters in Development Studies at Sussex University. She re-trained as a lawyer, qualifying in 2000. Prior to becoming a lawyer, Bali had a successful and diverse career. She taught at Greenwich University, spent several years working at a Women’s Centre and at the Civil Rights organisation, the Southall Monitoring Group (now The Monitoring Group) where she campaigned on issues including domestic violence, police harassment and racial violence. She went on to work at a West London Borough as an Equalities Officer at Senior Management level.
Bali is one of the Founding members of Imran Khan and Partners, setting up the firm as an Equity Partner with Imran Khan and Shobhini Ehzuvan in 2000. She is also the Joint Managing Partner with Shobhini Ehzuvan. She is Joint Head of the Criminal Department. Bali is a highly experienced and committed Criminal Lawyer, specialising in major crime (violence and drug-related), fraud, money laundering, confiscation matters and terrorism. She also has significant experience of handling Very High Cost Cases (VHCC).
Bali is fluent in Hindi and Punjabi.
Recent Work
Solicitor acting for Baroness Doreen Lawrence, Suresh Grover and The Monitoring Group and the Blacklist Support Group, as Core Participants in the Undercover Police Inquiry chaired by Sir John Mitting.